This story was posted for:
Flash! Friday # 44, Micro Fiction Contest
150 word story (no leeway this time) based on the photo prompt. Yep, keeping it short ‘n’ sweet again. (PS. Don’t get comfy there.)

“Is that the one?”
“Yep, I hear Mr. Dingleburg got his face burned
right off!”
“No way! How could a WATER fountain burn someone’s
face off?!”
“Well, remember, the sides are
always more than warm?”
“Yeah, So?”
“Well, heat inside the fountain
is just hot enough to force the water up to the nozzle”
“Like Old Faithful, at that park
we went to last summer”
“Yeah, just like that!”
“Alright then, why on earth does
it come out, cold!”
“Simple, an air-conditioned liquid is released when
you press to drink. That’s why the spout
has two holes instead a’ one, and never tastes like water from the faucet.”
“Boys! You come away from that fountain at once!”
“Yes, Mrs. Peterson”, they all
said, each peeking back over his shoulder, wide-eyed at the yellow-taped water
fountain. One step ahead, of Mrs.
Peterson, herding them down the hall towards their classroom.